
Welcome to the website of LNAA digital archive!

The digital archive of LNAA is an institutional database where electronic copies of documents for permanent and long-term storage are placed, as well as electronic copies of creative works created by educational achievers, employees, and other individuals associated with the Academy (Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts, Lviv Academy of Arts, Lviv National Academy of Arts).

Through this project, LNAA joins the list of universities, museums, and libraries around the world promoting IIIF, an innovative technology that significantly facilitates and accelerates the process of studying manuscripts, rare books, and artistic works.


This project uses innovative technologies:

Interaction "researcher - e-archive"


Content sections in the LNAA digital archive are called collections.
Their filling is in progress.

The electronic archive contains 8 collections (expand the list)

Student artworks
Student archival records
Teacher’s artworks
Teacher’s archival records Employee artworks
Employee archival records
Other artworks
Other archival records

Quick search

A quick search among e-archive arrivals is possible in one of the following three ways.

Recent arrivals

Click on the link in the "Recent Arrivals" section

Alphabetical search

Click on the button with the corresponding letter above the "Recent Arrivals" block

The "lens" icon (top right corner)

Click on the ? “lens” icon at the top right and enter the search information in the special field that appears afterwards

Advanced search

Advanced search is provided on a special page of the e-archive (see the top menu). Advanced search uses a combination of multiple filters and Boolean operations. Detailed instructions are on the right of the Advanced Search page.

Remember the "*”- a wildcard when searching by part of a word. For example, if you need to find both underweave and weaven, you can use “*weave*” as a search term.

View images

When viewing images of an artwork or document, pay attention to the supporting information in the right column. You can switch between three display modes:

  • Image View (note the toolbar above the image)
  • Thumbnail gallery (for quick navigation with a large number of images)
  • Information and metadata

Alternative view (IIIF)

When viewing images of an artwork or document, pay attention to the special block in the right column: "Downloads, alternative views and links"

We recommend expanding it and noticing the "IIIF manifest" and "Mirador" buttons, which enable the study of artifacts using a special digital interface of the researcher - IIIF technology (more details).

Documents with restricted access

The electronic archive may contain documents with restricted access. The access protocol to such documents can be found here.

Digital collections

Recent arrivals


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