
The digital archive of Lviv National Academy of Arts was established as part of the British-Ukrainian "Twinning" initiative, aimed at supporting higher education in Ukraine during times of war. This archive is the result of a collaborative partnership between the Academy and its partner, the Glasgow School of Arts.

The joint initiative between LNAA and GSA, titled "Development and Promotion of Sustainable Cultural Heritage in Challenging Times," has received funding from Research England and garnered support from reputable international organizations such as Universities UK International and Cormack Consultancy Group. The project is dedicated to achieving two principal objectives:

  • Safeguarding LNAA's archive and collections, including its art fund, from potential threats associated with the ongoing conflict.
  • Fostering a partnership for the research of cultural heritage and facilitating the exchange of expertise between the LNAA and GSA.

The Archive and Collection team at GSA offered significant assistance to the LNAA staff in the establishment of this archive. They were catalysts for the successful implementation of the project, procuring the necessary equipment for digitization, developing the archive's website, and ensuring its hosting. Moreover, the GSA team offered valuable methodological guidance in creating an digital archive, managing inventory, and organizing collections throughout a seven-month period.

LNAA's digital archive will gradually expand, providing access to digital archival collections for researchers and all interested parties. It aims to become the digital face of the Academy's history, crucial in promoting innovative approaches to preserving and popularizing valuable archival materials and collections. Additionally, it will serve as a valuable resource for researchers, educators, students, and anyone with an interest in art and cultural heritage.


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